Making Personal Homepages Great Again

The vision of the World Wide Web we had once, was a place where we could communicate peer to peer, put up our own information and share it. It was to be something that each of us could take a part it, not just as 'consumers' but as authors. This is my site, for my interests, projects and thoughts and the goal isn't just to have text on the web, but to have my own space. A place on the World Wide Web to call my own.

Whats new

December 18, 2023: Added xdmshutdown , a program to add some buttons to XDM to let you shut down, reboot,etc from this ancient display manager.

October 27 2023 : Added libaria2cpp , a library to develop C++ programs that will communicate with a running aria2 daemon via RPC calls.

September 1 2023 : This site has moved to a new server, and therefore a new address. It is now at

Jun 19 2023 : Daria has been added. This is an FvwmScript which is a basic frontend to an aria2c daemon. It allows for the addition, viewing and basic control of downloads and Torrents.

November 1 2022: Sanspam got an update. This update improves the handling of the password and adds a new color scheme, “phosphor”.

Fvwm YouTube downloader and viewer.

How to create a basic help screen for the FVWM Window Manager.

The Word of Бога

And the LORD did sayeth unto Japheth, “Why didst thou forsake the memory of the Romans and put pineapple on thy Pizza?”. And Japheth did hide his face in shame, because he knew that fruit on Pizza was an abomination unto the LORD. For thy God has provided the bounty of the tropics and the grain for creating leavened bread, but in His holy wisdom has kept these apart. Let no man bringeth them together.

Giuseppe 3:16

eyes www 16bit freespeech codeandrun

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